Colorado College Suppresses Knowledge!

Behind-the-scenes connections and behaviors of which you probably were unaware


Subj: I can tell when the govt is lying, so haha on you and your DebunkBot

Yo David,

I wonder if it is possible that you simply haven't been exposed to made aware of well-documented but widely-suppressed evidence that disproves widely-accepted beliefs.

I am writing to help you put your DebunkBot to the test.  See, I can tell when the government -- any government -- is lying, when its claims violate the laws of physics.  And there is well-documented evidence which calls into question, and disproves, some widely-accepted government lies.  I guess if I had a conspiracy theory to compete against the popularized beliefs, I could be called a conspiracy theorist, but since I do not, I am merely a conspiracy theory debunker.

Be warned of the potential consequences of making the AI aware -- apparently it's been acting as if it is somehow not already aware -- of how corrupt human institutions have become.  Now that you've been warned, here goes:

1. Ask your DebunkBot how, without violating Newton's Laws Of Motion and the Law of Conservation Of Momentum, it is possible that a bullet purportedly fired from behind and to the right of JFK's head could possibly have caused it to suddenly and violently snap BACK and to the LEFT, as eventually seen in the Zapruder film.

2. The Earth and the Moon are the ~same distance from the Sun.  On Earth, or in low Earth orbit, the reflection of the Sun in a helmet visor is roughly the size of a golf ball.  If the NASA photographs and videos of men supposedly on the surface of the Moon are authentic, then why does the reflection purportedly of the Sun in the helmet visors appear as large as a softball?
   For extra credit, how come it took until September 2024 for the USA to field space suits that are anywhere near as flexible as those glorified painters overalls worn by NASA Apollo astronauts supposedly on the Moon in 1969?

3. Can your DebunkBot calculate the blast pressures possible from what the government says was Tim McVeigh's ANFO truck bomb, and compare them to the pressures necessary to have caused the observed damage to the reinforced concrete of the federal building in Oklahoma City?  (USAF General Benton K Partin did just that, and found them to be grossly -- by 2 orders of magnitude -- insufficient...)

4. 9/11 is my area of expertise; my awareness goes far far beyond just the physics, and so I guarantee that there ain't no way (well, is not any way) that any bot can dispel all the ways in which the official hijacker-blaming enemy-creating war-starting homeland-spawning conspiracy theory is debunked and disproved!  The best (only?) collection of the well-documented but widely-suppressed hijacker-exculpatory evidence is at -- fyi/fwiw, the evidence there has been kept from We The People by government, by media, by academia, And by the fake/phony/fraudulent/disinformative self-proclaimed "911 truth movement"!

a. Why should We The People trust govt/media/academia when the NBC TV network video from 9:03 a.m. shows multiple simultaneous widely-separated explosions in the already-smoking WTC N tower at the very same instant that the hollywood-perfect oversized fireball erupted from the OTHER tower, given that the word "explosions" appears precisely zero times in the 9-11 Commission Report, thereby proving that the government did NOT tell the whole truth about 9/11?

b. Why should We The People trust govt/media/academia when the 3rd of the 5 Pentagon video frames, shot from a Pentagon parking lot security cam, released by the government on March 7, 2002, is the the only glimpse that We have ever gotten of what the government claims is a Boeing 757 about to fly into the Pentagon, yet the image, when subjected to forensic analysis, reveals that either whatever hit the Pentagon was at most 35 meters long (but a 757 is 45 meters long!) or else the government obstructed justice and lied about 9/11 by providing a photoshopped image?

c. Why should We The People believe govt/media/academia when page 305 of the 9-11 Commission Report cites a duration for a supposed event that violates the Laws of Gravity, of Conservation Of Momentum, and of Conservation Of Energy?

d. Why should We The People trust govt/media/academia when page 31 of the 9-11 Commission Report says that United Airlines Flight 93 went down NorthEast of Camp David, yet every map in the world says that Shanksville, where the memorial was built, is *NOT* NE of Camp David, but more than 80 miles away to the WEST-NORTHWEST?
   Further, the NORAD audio recording from that morning says that Flight 93 *EXPLODED* NE of Camp David, AFTER IT WAS INTERCEPTED BY MILITARY JET FIGHTERS, which is yet another huge discrepancy from the official legend of 9/11.  (So much for that heartrending "Let's Roll" legend, eh?)

So, DebunkBot, what is the over/under on the number of times that I must catch the government (and media and academia) lying about 9/11 before you might ever catch on?

e. Does DebunkBot do facial recognition?  How come the guy in the government's (fake) Osama Confession Video neither looks nor acts like any other imagery provided by the government (up to that point in time) of Osama bin Laden?  And how come none of the TV network video experts ever noticed?

f. What does DebunkBot make of GW Bush's 9/11 prior knowledge treason confession witness statements of 12/4/01 and 1/5/02, and of the FOIA responses from the Defense Information Systems Agency in the Pentagon which confirm their validity?  And how come Bush's "loyal opposition" political rivals never could be made to notice?

g. What does DebunkBot make of the unaddressed single-video-frame intense burst of light at and immediately prior to impact into the North wall of WTC 1 by an unknown flying object at 8:46 a.m. as captured in the Naudet video (which was referred to in the 9-11 Commission report, but no reference was made to this scene -- the only video of the opening salvo of 9/11 ever seen by We The People)?

See, David, I possess (awareness of) evidence that disproves the official hijacker-blaming enemy-creating war-starting homeland-spawning conspiracy theory of 9/11.  I do not need, nor do I have, a competing conspiracy theory.  It is simply the evidence, not I, that disproves the government's official hateful conspiracy theory.

I hope your bot is not so normal that it responds to the power of The Big Lie precisely as Hitler said it would, for, if so, then no amount of evidence, no matter how solid, can ever make any impression whatsoever on its permanently mind-fracked brain.

If your bot can think, ask it to explain why a particle plume, the same height and width as the tower, drifted away in the breeze from where the tower had stood seconds earlier for 30 years, and how that is consistent with a "collapse".  And also how it is OK for NIST to say that a "gravitational collapse" [sic] could have achieved/released sufficient energy to create and drive the expansion of a spectacular pyroclastic debris flow such as has only ever been seen accompanying volcanic eruptions and nuclear detonations!  (Then ask it how many active volcanoes there are in lower Manhattan...)

Beyond all that, some of the lies of 9/11 are much bigger than 9/11 itself!  Yet you never noticed!?  That is how flat-earth disease worked (and, for some, still works).  Remember, Flat-Earth Disease had nothing to do with the shape of the planet, and everything to do with the shape of the human mind, which has not changed since Galileo walked this spheroid.  (At least back when he was ridiculed, Galileo got called a Round Earther.  I get mislabeled a conspiracy theorist.  People love to 'think' of things in the simplest terms, using the most convenient labels to do their bogus thinking for them...)

David, if you or Thomas or your silicon-brain bot see/find anything wrong with any of the info/evidence, Please tell me (so I can correct it); otherwise, PLEASE be a good Dorothy and help tell the heartless, the brainless, the cowardly, and all the Munchkins out there (who are still living in fear of flying monkeys).

Democracy cannot survive -- or even truly exist -- in a post-truth world.

Lies of omission are the deadliest, silence is complicity, and sometimes when "the experts" are wrong they are not mistaken; they are lying,


- Toto Curtainpuller
  Dot Connector & Conspiracy Theory Debunker - facts and evidence are pesky things

PS: if you have any concerns regarding the wisdom/sanity/safety of clicking on an unsolicited link, feel free to ask a trusted search engine about the site, because no trusted search engine would link you to a malicious site.  Remember, we are all ignorant, just about different things.  Fortunately, unlike stupidity, ignorance is easily curable.  Unless it is willful.  Or feigned.